General information


The deadline for final submission is 31 March, 2024.

To submit your final submission, please log in to PCS with the credentials you used to submit the original manuscript. For the revision, you were requested to submit three documents in PDF:

  • The revised manuscript (camera ready), which conforms to the formatting guidelines and requirements for ECIS proceedings as described here and the ECIS2024 paper revision template (Latex revision template). This should not have the changes marked or tracked.
  • A point-by-point response document to the comments by the Track Chairs (if any), the Associate Editor, and the Reviewers, describing how you have addressed the review team’s comments. In order to expedite the processing of the revised manuscript, be as specific as possible in your responses to your review team. For changes you have not incorporated as requested by the Associate Editor or the Reviewers, please provide a clear and compelling rationale in the response document.
  • The revised manuscript (indicating changes), either (a) with track changes showing the changes from the previous submitted version, or (b) highlighting the changes made.


Instructions for Completed Research Papers (CRP)

The final submission for completed research papers (CRP) needs to contain all identifying information, including author(s) details, headers, and the references that were removed for the double-blind review process.

Final submissions for completed research papers must not exceed sixteen single-spaced pages and must conform to the ECIS2024 paper revision template. The page limit includes all text (including title, abstract, keywords), figures, tables, appendices, and references. Final submissions that exceed this limit will not be included in the Conference proceedings.


Instructions for Short Papers (SP)

The final submission for short papers (SP) needs to contain all identifying information, including author(s) details, headers, and references that may have been removed for the double-blind review process.

Accepted SP will be scheduled for presentation in a session of the respective track and will be included in the conference proceedings provided that at least one author registers and attends the conference.

Final submissions for SP must not exceed eight single-spaced pages and must conform to the ECIS2024 paper revision template. The page limit includes all text (including title, abstract, keywords), figures, tables, appendices, and references. Final submissions that exceed this limit will not be included in the Conference proceedings.