Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit a paper?

See information here:

What’s the web address of the submission system?

The PCS submission system is available here:

May I still submit a paper for the conference?

The submission deadline for the main program has passed, but we still accept papers for 25 pre-conference workshops. See further information here:

What is the difference between a panel proposal, and a debates and provocations proposal?

A provocation pitch is a provocative presentation on a specific issue by one person. A debate is a dialectic discussion where two people present opposing viewpoints on a particular topic. It is also possible for people to organise themselves into two distinct debate teams. A panel is a group discussion by three or more experts who offer their opinions and deliberate on a specific topic of interest from a spectrum of viewpoints, rather than opposing ones. If in doubt, please communicate with the relevant track chairs.

Would you consider an extension of the deadline?

All the deadlines are strict. If you did not submit your paper in time for the main program, consider of the other workshops with a later deadline.

Three of my papers were accepted for the conference. May I also submit a paper for the TREO Forum?

Yes, submissions for the TREO are excluded from the rule-of-three limit.

Three of my papers were accepted for the conference. May I also submit a proposal to the panel or debates and provocations tracks?

No, submissions for the panel or debates and provocations tracks are included in the rule-of-three limit

May I submit a paper that exceeds the page limit to accommodate an extended reference list, an appendix, etc.?


May I add the reference list only in the final paper if my paper gets accepted?


Do you offer a Latex template?

Yes. Please see here:

May I use Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) to review a paper?

While reviewers may use Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) for certain aspects of their work, for example, as a text editor, proofreader, search engine, or idea generator, the review must represent the reviewers’ critical and highly subjective appraisal of an article. Reviewers need to disclose the use of Generative AI for any aspect of the work. In any case, given the confidential and proprietary nature of the submissions, reviewers should not use as input entire papers or large sections thereof when prompting such tools.

May I add/drop authors after the initial submission?


What is the page limit of my revised submission?

The same as the page limit of the initial submission. See detailed instructions on the Final Submissions  page and the Revision Template.

How many authors of an accepted paper must register for the conference?

At least one author must register by the Early Registration deadline. Failing to register will result in removing the paper from the conference program and the proceedings. We may extend the registration deadline upon request in extenuating circumstances.

My paper was accepted and I would like to attend the conference, but I’m still waiting for funding approval. May I register after the Early Registration deadline?

At least one author must register by the Early Registration deadline. Failing to register will result in removing the paper from the conference program and the proceedings. We may extend the registration deadline upon request in extenuating circumstances.

I’m a master’s student. Am I qualified for the doctoral students’ registration rates?

Yes. All students currently enrolled in a degree-granting institution are eligible for the doctoral students’ registration rates.

May I or my university pay after I’ve attended the conference?

No. Conference registrations fees must be paid in full (in advance or onsite) prior to collecting your badge and other registration materials.

Do I need to register if I’m a co-author but not presenting?

Each additional co-author attending the conference must register independently.

Do I need to register if I’m a session Chair?


Do I need to register if I’m an ECIS 2024 conference committee member?


Do I need to register for a workshop and pay workshop fee if I’m one of the organizers of that workshop?


May I register and pay only for a workshop without registering for the main conference?


I registered to a workshop that was cancelled. May I transfer the registration to another workshop?

Yes, if your workshop was cancelled, you may either transfer the registration to another workshop or ask for a refund.

May I register only for the TREO Forum or one of the consortia without registering for the main conference?

No. Attendees for these events must be registered for the conference but there is no extra cost for participating in these events. However, please note that attendees for the Doctoral Consortium, Junior Faculty Consortium, and Mid-Career Faculty Workshop must have applied and been accepted to these events in advance.

I’m not an AIS member. May I register for the pre-conference workshops?

Yes, you may register for the pre-conference workshop at the Non-Member rates.

I’m not an AIS member. May I register for the conference?

No. AIS member is a prerequisite for attending the conference. Please join or renew your AIS membership prior to registering for the conference. During ECIS registration, you will be asked to provide your AIS membership number, membership type, and membership expiration date (valid through at least 19 June 2024).

Where do I find my AIS number and expiration date?

During ECIS registration, you will be asked to provide your AIS membership number, membership type, and membership expiration date (valid through at least 19 June 2024). Your AIS membership information is available at the AIS members’ portal: Account + Settings/ Payments & History/ Membership/ View my membership card.

I’m a PhD student in the UK funded by a Moroccan funding agency and a citizen of Lebanon. Which HDI rate applies to my conference registration?

The conference registration rates are based on the United Nation’s Human Development Index (HDI) of the country where one works and lives. In this case, the rate of the UK applies. See further information here:

I’m a faculty member with dual appointments, one in France (Very High HDI) and the other in India (Medium HDI). Which HDI rate applies to my conference registration?

The conference registration fees are based on the country of the primary appointment. If your position requires that you spend 50% or more of your work time in France, then the rate of France applies.

I mistakenly registered with an incorrect HDI. Can you please assist me with resolving this issue?

Sure. Please email and we will credit or charge your account for the difference. If we discover the error during the registration verification, we’ll send you an email with a credit/debit notification.

During my conference registration, I selected a pre-conference workshop, but I haven’t paid the workshop fee yet. Can you help?

Not a problem. Kindly send an email to, and we will charge your account accordingly. If we happen to identify the error during the registration verification process, we’ll send you an email with a debit notification.

May I cancel my registration?

You may cancel your registration by the Early Registration deadline and get a refund less a €50 processing fee. Thereafter, the registration fee is not refundable. However, you may transfer your registration to another person for a €50 processing fee.

Travel and Accommodations
Where can I book my hotel accommodations?

You can book a hotel room as part of the registration process

Will you provide a shuttle service between the hotels and the conference venue?

Apart from the excellent public bus service at your disposal, we plan to offer daily morning and afternoon shuttle service between the hotels listed in the registration system and the conference venue.

Does the conference provide childcare services?

Some of the hotels provide childcare services. Please contact Easy Conference by email for further information.

How do I get a letter to apply for a visa?

If you require a visa invitation or confirmation letter, please email

Do I need a visa for Cyprus?

For visa information, including information on how to get a visa invitation letter, please click here.

I’m unable to attend the conference in person. May I present my paper via Zoom?

No. ECIS 2024 will be held on-site and we will not offer a hybrid presentation option.

I’m unable to attend the conference in person. May I ask another person to present my paper?

In general, no. Submitting a paper implies that the author is interested in attending and presenting the paper at the conference. The only exception that allows for a substitute presenter is a documented force majeure situation, such as a medical emergency or unforeseen travel restrictions, which prevents a registered presenter from attending the conference in person.

I’m unable to present my accepted paper at the conference. May I keep my paper in the proceedings?

No. Papers not presented at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. Authors who are unable to attend the conference in person are kindly requested to withdraw their papers.

Do I get a hard copy of the conference proceedings?

The conference proceedings will be available only via the AIS eLibrary.

Will my accepted TREO paper appear in the AIS eLibrary ECIS 2024 collection?

Yes, the papers presented at the upcoming TREO Forum will be published in a dedicated section of ECIS 2024 in the AIS e-Library.

Awards: How to Receive Your Award in the Form of NFTs

How do I receive my award at the conference?

Conference awards and recognitions will be announced during the award ceremony session at the conference. Awardees will receive a certificate on paper and an option to get an NFT that attests to their achievements.

What is the innovation in award distribution this year?

In addition to the award certificates on paper, we also offer awardees digital certificates in the form of NFTs. These NFTs will be airdropped to the winners’ digital wallets.

What is an NFT and why are awards distributed this way?

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a unique digital asset stored on the blockchain. Distributing awards as NFTs ensures a secure and verifiable way to recognize academic achievements.

What do I need to do to receive my award as an NFT?

To receive your award as an NFT, you need to follow these steps

  1. Create a MetaMask wallet.
  2. Copy your wallet address (public key).
  3. Register your wallet address and personal details before the deadline on the conference NFT Award Registration page . (the registration form will be available from 17 June until 30 June 2024)
How do I create a MetaMask wallet?

A video guide that explains step-by-step how to set up a MetaMask wallet is available here. In addition you can access the manual here.

What information do I need to provide to receive my NFT award?

You need to provide the following information:

  1. First Name
  2. Surname
  3. email address (the email address you registered at ECIS)
  4. Affiliation
  5. Wallet address: public key for Mainnet Ethereum (This is the primary network where actual transactions with real value occur such as receiving your NFT)
How do I register my wallet address and personal details?

Enter your details on the designated page on our conference website – click here to access the NFT Award Registration page.

What are the deadlines for registering my wallet address and personal details?

The deadline is 30 June 2024.

When will the NFTs be airdropped to the recipients’ wallets?

The NFTs will be airdropped on 05 July 2024.

I’ve missed the deadline to register my wallet address and personal details. Can I still get the NFT?

No. If you missed the deadline, this option is not available anymore. However, you should still have the award or recognition certificate in a paper form.

What should I do if I need help setting up my MetaMask wallet or have other questions?

If you need assistance, please refer to the video guide or manual.
If you still have questions, please contact our support team during the conference or email us at You can also refer to the MetaMask support resources for additional support (

Is it safe to share my MetaMask wallet address?

Yes, it is safe to share your MetaMask wallet address (public key). This address allows you to receive NFTs but does not give access to your wallet or personal information.

I already have a MetaMask wallet. Do I need to create a second one?

No, you do not need to create a second MetaMask wallet. However, if you are not comfortable using the wallet that holds your funds for transactions related to the NFT award, it is advisable to create a new MetaMask wallet specifically for receiving your NFT award. This ensures that your financial holdings remain separate and secure. By using a new wallet, you can also minimize any potential risk associated with your primary wallet.

The award-winning paper has more than one author. Do all co-authors need to create a MetaMask wallet and share their wallet addresses?

Yes, each author needs to create their own MetaMask wallets and register their wallet addresses to receive their individual NFT awards. Each author should follow the instructions to set up a MetaMask wallet, then submit their wallet address and personal details to the conference. This way, each author will receive their personal NFT award.

Is the conference liable for any issues caused to wallets?

The conference is not liable for any issues that may arise with digital wallets, including but not limited to loss of access, theft, or any technical problems. The wallet owner is responsible for ensuring the security and proper functioning of their digital wallet. Please follow best practices for digital security, such as safeguarding your private keys and seed phrases.

Do I need an electricity plug adaptor?

Please see more information here:

I have special dietary preferences or needs. How can I request special meals?

All conference meals will include pescatarian, vegetarian and gluten-free options. For all other requests, please enter a note at the end of the registration form. We will do our best to accommodate special dietary requests made in advance at the conference registration prior to the conference. If you have life-threatening dietary needs, please also email

What is the required attire for the conference?

Conference attire is business casual. Please note that meeting room temperatures may be cool, and climate varies, so layered clothing may provide the greatest comfort. Be sure to check the local weather for the current conditions.

What is the time zone of the conference?

The conference will take place in EET (GMT+2) (Cyprus).