The 2024 European Conference on Information Systems, to be held in Paphos, Cyprus, will be hosted by The University of Nicosia. The theme of the conference, “People First: Constructing Digital Futures Together,” highlights the role of people as the primary stakeholder of the human enterprise and the role of collaboration as the primary mechanism to attain an equitable and prosperous society against the backdrop of a digital world. The conference aims to focus on how major social and technical developments will be digital, how they are co-created through human and machine actors, and how they must be designed and used in the service of improving the human condition. Key developments and their combinations, including artificial intelligence (involving practices that were reserved for humans in the past), platform ecosystems (fundamentally revamping how we organize for value creation), or Internet of Things technologies (penetrating into each aspect of private and professional life), present new societal, technical, but also ethical questions that warrant our attention.

In addition to the conference theme, ECIS will include a range of both traditional track themes (that have helped shape the European Information Systems community in previous years) and innovative track themes (that will help the community to understand and shape developments in emergent areas). The aim of ECIS 2024 is to provide a platform for people in the Information Systems field to discuss fundamental as well as innovative issues related to information systems.

Topics for Track Proposals

We welcome both established and emerging topics that are expected to draw significant attention. A conference theme track “People First: Constructing Digital Futures Together” as well as the established “General Information Systems” track have already been set up.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

●Algorithms, Algorithmic Bias, and DataInjustice
●Artificial Intelligence in IS Research andPractice
●Artificial Intelligence, Organizing, andManagement
●Human-AI Collaboration: Challengesand Opportunities
●Business Analytics
●Business Process Management
●Digital Work and the Changing Natureof Work
●Digital Innovation
●Cognition and Human Behavior in IS
●Digital Transformation
● Public Sectors and eGov information systems
● Healthcare Sector information systems
● Digital Surveillance and Control
● Platform-based Ecosystems
● Blockchain and Metaverse
● Social Media and Digital Work
●Designing and Managing Digital ServiceSystems
●Distributed Computing Technologies:From Internet of Things to Edgecomputing
●Social and Ethical Implications of DigitalTechnologies
●IS for Resilience and SustainableDevelopment
●Cyber Security
●Technology Regulation, RegTech, andFintech
●Design Research and Methods inInformation Systems
●Computational Research Methods andAlternative Genre in IS
● IS Development and Project Management
● IS Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion
● IS Strategy, Governance and Sourcing in the Digital Age
● Digitalization of Professional and Recreational Sports
● Video Games and E-Sports

Track Chair Responsibilities
We invite researchers to propose tracks on their particular field of interest. Your responsibilities as a track chair will be to:

1. Liaise with the Program Chairs on all matters that concern ECIS 2024
2. Promote the track and take measures to ensure an adequate number of submissions
3. Nominate Associate Editors (AEs) for the reviewing process
4. Organize a peer review cycle for the papers submitted to the track, assisted by the AEs (AEs will assure that each paper will receive three high quality reviews)
5. Propose to the Program Committee the papers that will eventually be accepted for inclusion into the conference program
6. Nominate papers for the award for Best Paper
7. Create an attractive track program
8. At least one of the track co-chairs should attend ECIS 2024 and serve as session chair in your track.

Tracks need to have three track chairs from three different countries. Each team should be diverse and should cover different intellectual traditions.

Structure of Track proposals
Track proposals should include:
1. Title
2. Names, e-mail addresses, affiliations, phone numbers, URLs of the website of each of the three track co-chairs; please  designate one of the co-chairs as the primary contact person.
3. A short description of the track and its focus (maximum length: 500 words and about 10 to 15 potential suggested topics): define the proposed area of research; discuss the topics the track will address and how these align with the ECIS 2024 conference theme.
4. A brief discussion on how these topics have recently been covered in other conferences and publications, substantiating the case that ECIS 2024 will be an appropriate and timely forum for the topics.
5. A tentative list of Associate Editors for the proposed track (between 10 and 15; some tracks will require more; the Program Chairs will help you identify an appropriate number based on previous submission data). For each, please provide name and affiliation, and indicate if they may already have committed themselves to serve as AEs for your track.
6. Short bios of each co-track chair including your track record (if any) in organizing tracks, or in other academic services in the IS community.
7. Track chairs are encouraged to make fast-track or Special Issue arrangements with leading journals that fit the topic of the track.

Each proposal will be evaluated by the Program Chairs in collaboration with the Conference Chairs. Decisions will be based on (a) the overall merit of the proposal, (b) the significance of the subject covered, (c) the profile and diversity of the track team, and the (d) fit with the conference theme.
The Program Chairs together with the Conference Chairs will select tracks with the goal to (a) balance the more traditional IS topics with emerging topics, (b) create an impactful program, and (c) support diversity of chairs and AEs in gender, experience, methodology, intellectual tradition, and geographical background. If needed, track proposals might be merged in order to obtain the best possible coverage of topics and the best mix of track chairs.

Program Chairs
Ioanna Constantiou, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Brian Fitzgerald, Lero, University of Limerick, Ireland
Stefan Seidel, University of Cologne, Germany

Track proposals should be e-mailed to (subject line: “ECIS 2024 Track Proposal”) as soon as possible but no later than February 28th, 2023, 12 pm CET. Notifications of acceptance or rejection of proposed tracks will be sent by April 1st, 2023.